There are a few reasons why I love a good cake smash. Firstly, the kids really seem to enjoy it. It moves fairly quickly so they don't get bored and it involves things they usually love, like balloons and cake and bubble baths.
Secondly, there's cake....
We start with cute portraits first, then we eat cake and then we have a bubble or milk bath to get clean and finish up the session.
If you don't want to go to a lot of effort to make a cake, or you're not a baker like me, don't stress. You can assemble a cake using store bought sponge cake and tub icing and sprinkles to match your colour scheme. Or do a donut smash instead, and just buy two dozen donuts and you're done.
All of the cake toppers ( and all the cakes with the exception of the white fondant one ) are all made by me, so if there is a cake topper you would like for your session please let me know and I'll make one for you.
There is only one chance to get your baby's first cake smash done, but whey limit it to the first year? You can do a cake smash at any age. I recently did one for a ten year old and it was loads of fun and a beautiful way to celebrate turning double digits.
{ wagga cake smash photographer, wagga wagga kids portraits, kids of wagga, wagga wagga cake smash }